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my Morning Cup

How does Maria Bartiromo take her coffee?

My Morning Cup features the coffee rituals that most of us have. People from all walks of life — from US senators to ballplayers, subway drivers to college professors — have submitted entries that will run most days.

Here, we reached Maria Bartiromo, the FOX Business Network anchor who recently celebrated her one year anniversary at the network, by phone.

Maria Bartiromo, 47

New York

Global Markets Editor and anchor of “Opening Bell with Maria Bartiromo” on FOX Business Network, and host of “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo” FOX News Channel.

Describe your coffee routine. Where do you frequent, what do you like?


My favorite is hazelnut. We recently got one of those one cups.

When you say one cup, is that like a Keurig?

Yes, a Keurig. I usually have one cup in the morning at home, and then on the way to work I get Dunkin’ Dunuts. There’s one right near my house.

So it sounds like you’re making some at home and also buying.

Yes. The coffee that I normally get, I like carrying it to work. It’s with me when I walk in.

And when you’re making your coffee, what kind are you using?

I think I get them from Dunkin’ Donuts. If they don’t have hazelnut, I’ll go french vanilla.

When you buy, what time are you doing that? And do the baristas know you?

I go at 7:30 a.m., so there are certain people who know what I like. I also have a one-cup machine in my office. I don’t have to leave if I wanted to get another cup.

What’s your order?

Large hazelnut, skim milk, and a Splenda.

Is that how you always take it?

Yes, that’s how I like my coffee. The thing is, I don’t finish one cup. At home I’ll make a cup but I won’t finish it. And the cup I come in with to work, I don’t finish it. My coffee is a security blanket. So many times I’ve spilled coffee and I say, “Why must I always have a cup of coffee in my hand? I keep spilling it!” But I always have to have it.


Iced or hot?

I like hot coffee. My husband drinks iced. Even when it’s 100 degrees outside, I get hot coffee. Sometimes I might go nuts and have a cappuccino — live a wild and crazy life.

Alone or with company?

On the weekends when I’m home I may have coffee with my husband or coffee with breakfast with him. But for the most part I’m making myself coffee and getting ready for work. I have it with me when I’m at the computer, getting my makeup on, and when I’m on the show. I have it with me on set.

Where do you drink it? Seated or on the go?

It’s pretty much on the go. After the show I go back to my office and I’ll throw out the old coffee.

How many more cups the rest of the day?

Two or three tops.

What time will you drink your last cup?

I used to be on the air at 3 p.m. I would always get a cup of coffee right before I went on the show, because I wanted a jolt before going on television. Now I’m on 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. So now after lunch I won’t have a coffee. I’ve got to be sleeping by 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. most nights.


What’s your stance on decaf?

I don’t love it. If I’m going to drink coffee, I want the caffeine. For a treat after dinner, I’ll have decaf cappuccino, but it’s not often. I have gotten into illy recently. which is good. But I like Dunkin’ Donuts the best.

When and why did you start drinking coffee?

I can’t remember when I started. I feel like I’ve always liked a cup of coffee in the morning. There’s something just great about waking up on a Saturday morning, going through the weekend papers with a cup of coffee. The whole act of that for me just says “weekend;” says “relax;” says “my time.”

Describe the most memorable cup of coffee you’ve ever had.

That’s easy. The most memorable was sitting at Lake Como, Italy. I was sitting on the terrace of the hotel Villa D’Este. They had the most unbelievable coffee. I was with my sister and we were looking out onto the water. Italian coffee, in Italy, is pretty special. And it wasn’t even Hazelnut.

To submit your own My Morning Cup entry, e-mail Matt Viser at matt.viser@globe.com.