When autoimmune disease strikes, entire families are affected. Toni Braxton, 52, was diagnosed with lupus in 2008. At the time, she had to conjure up a way to carefully explain to her young children why she’d been in and out of the hospital for months.

"I remember having to tell my kids that I have lupus. It was difficult," Braxton tells Prevention.com. The "Long As I Live" singer said her sons Diezel and Denim didn’t understand why their mom’s own immune system was attacking her perfectly healthy cells to make her sick. "I remember that feeling. He cried and said, 'mommy’s ok,'" Braxton recalls her son saying.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease categorized by the immune system attacking healthy cell tissue, affecting the heart, joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, and lungs. About 1.5 million Americans have lupus, and 90% of those diagnosed with the chronic illness are women.

Before Braxton received her diagnosis, the singer’s blood count was extremely low and "everything was wrong." Her doctors initially struggled to diagnose her, but during a trip to the emergency room at Cedar-Sinai Hospital in L.A., Braxton learned she had the autoimmune disease. "They said I have lupus and it loves my heart," she says. But the shocking news didn’t stop there. "They also said I need a heart transplant. I will never forget that as long as I live."

Fortunately, Braxton never needed a heart transplant, but she had to cope with her new diagnosis, which would stay with her for life. "I was petrified, depressed, and scared, but I realized I had to change my life," she says. "I may have lupus, but I decided I was not going to be a victim," she says. "Now, I listen to my body."

Twelve years after her diagnosis, Braxton has learned how to cope with having an autoimmune disease and knows how to manage her symptoms. Here’s more:

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1. She's cut down on performances.

As a Grammy Award winning artist, Braxton is the first to admit that having lupus has affected her career. "It has. I can’t deny it," she says. The singer has microvascular angina and continues to experience blood clots today. She says that despite having great doctors and medication, she has to be careful.

Braxton, who called me from the studio as she works on brand new music for 2020, says that her heart and voice muscles "sometimes feel too fatigued," affecting the way she sings. "I can’t do five or six shows a week like I used to, but I can do three or four shows," she says. She also holds back from dancing on stage. "I’m not a dancer but I do the 1-2 electric slide," she jokes. And when she’s having a flare-up, she knows to take it extra easy.

2. She leans on her family during flare-ups.

Twelve years after her diagnosis, Braxton has learned to listen to her body and go to her loved ones for support. "Lupus doesn’t have a face, we hide it. We have the tendency to pretend we feel great, when we don’t," she says. "I’m learning to say it’s OK that I don’t feel well and that it’s perfectly fine to take that time for myself."

Braxton says that overdoing it makes things worse, so when she is having a flare-up she’ll just have a Netflix night with her sister. "When it gets hard, I usually tell my mom," she says. "Sometimes I hide it from my kids and say I'm going to the spa, when I’m actually going to hospital. And my kids stay at Auntie Jada’s because I don’t want them to worry."

3. She follows a healthy diet and hits the gym.

Braxton says that her health is a priority, and she's made a conscious effort to clean up her diet.

"I’m becoming plant-based. I’m in the process," she explains. The singer weaned herself off of meat and became a pescatarian. "But I’m going fully plant-based. It’s making me feel better, so there is some truth it," she says, adding that her blood work has improved and she has more energy. "But I do miss a good burger!"

Braxton also exercises regularly, as long as she is feeling up to it. "I love Orangetheory Fitness, but I have to be careful. If I am fatigued, I take it easy."

4. She uses CBD to alleviate pain.

"I get achey sometimes, and Uncle Buds Maximum Strength CBD really helps me find relief. I can just go to GNC and pick it up," she says, adding that she loves its smell of coconut and agave. "I never knew about CBD. I was never an herbal user, but I've since educated myself about the healing properties of CBD. And it’s absolutely wonderful."

Between CBD, healthier lifestyle choices, and her ability to slow down when needed, Braxton has learned to manage her lupus. "I’m lucky today. I’m in a better state today than I was when I was first diagnosed," she says. "I know what to do when my body feels weird. I listen to my body now. I always try to find the silver lining in everything. Today is a good day!"

And the star is pumped about releasing new music. "It’s coming out very soon!" she says.

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Nicol Natale
Associate Editor

Currently an assistant editor at Prevention.com, Nicol is a Manhattan-based journalist who specializes in health, wellness, beauty, fashion, business, and lifestyle. Her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Houston Chronicle, Business Insider, INSIDER, Everyday Health, and more. When Nicol isn't writing, she loves trying new workout classes, testing out the latest face mask, and traveling. Follow her on Instagram for the latest on health, wellness, and lifestyle.